2717 Delta Downs Dr.
Vinton, LA 70668
Phone: 337-589-7441

Workers Comp:
Phone: 337-589-5594
Fax: 337-419-0501

Cyndie Seaford
(337-309-0509 cell)
Linda "Lee Lee" Carrier
(337-292-5571 cell)

Office Hours:
Mon. – Fri. 7am – 4pm
Sat. 8am – 11am
Chaplain: Alberto Martinez
Cell: 956-793-3174

Phone: 337-589-3194
Fax: 337-419-0506

Regan Daniel
Gayla Bustamante

Office Hours:
Tues. - 9am till Noon
Wed. - Fri. 9am till Noon and
2pm till Last Race
Sat. - 2pm till Last Race
*Hours and days may vary depending on race days and post times